Wednesday 27 February 2013

Universal Love Model Seminar in London by Navis Nord 10am-4pm London, 258 High Road, Tottenham, London

”Us two flames, we interweave in a Fiery Love Braid. It goes from the back of the head to feet, at the front first it hugs stomach, than satiates heart and plexus. Throat flowers with deep screams and star settles in the forehead. I look at the sky and Fiery Star Braid is within my reach, the existence surpasses the fairy tales and I will trade a long and happy life for a braid spreading among the stars.” Navis Nord Lecture: 12 March, 9pm, 250 Camden High St, inSpiral Lounge, admission free, donations welcome Seminar: 16 March, 10am-4pm, 258 High Road, Tottenham, London, price:20 pounds, special promotional price discounted from 150 pounds What do we usually call love when saying I’m in love? When does love lead to happiness and when is it a source of trouble? What does it mean that the Universal Love is directed equally towards all? Can we love everyone?


Tuesday 12 February 2013

Universal Love Model by Naivs Nord - Lecture and Seminar in London

”Us two flames, we interweave in a Fiery Love Braid. It goes from the back of the head to feet, at the front first it hugs stomach, than satiates heart and plexus. Throat flowers with deep screams and star settles in the forehead.” Navis Nord Universal Love Model Lecture and Seminar by Navis Nord Lecture: 12 March, 9pm, 250 Camden High St, inSpiral Lounge Seminar: 16 March, 10am-4pm, 258 High Road, Tottenham, London What do we usually call love when saying I’m in love? When does love lead to happiness and when is it a source of trouble? What does it mean that the Universal Love is directed equally towards all? Can we love everyone? We will be talking about such issues as partnership and relationships, the art of building a happy relationship, freeing oneself from dysfunctional behaviour patterns,sfreeing oneself from obstructive thinking, a skill to recognise and satisfy the other side's needs, emotional love, Fiery Love,development phases of love and partner relationships,and ot

Friday 31 August 2012

Psychophilosophy and Existentiology Cycle of Station Nord

“Aunt Fantasy lives among us, paints patterns on walls and recipes, she keeps telling fairytales about wonderful worlds and seventh heavens. Only the truth lives far far away, although it is closer to us than our own skin.” Navis Nord All alone with oneself – if you seek and find in solitude, without learning from authorities, for yourself and from within yourself, without looking for confirmations, and are willing to face Mother Nature and the jungle of human existence, seeing that only the Earth can witness what you have found, you may be a proper candidate. What is the difference between Psychophilosophy /Existentiology and Science? The Objective – we are not interested in ‘average’ as a reference point. Just as don’t overly value medicine, which has a statistical health model as its objective, we are not interested in mass knowledge. Science is in a constant process of development. Wisdom does not grow nor does it diminish.

Mysticism Station Nord - Practical European Mysticism

What does mysticism deal with? • It does not proselytize, it selects people and only chooses those who meet subjective conditions. • It does not create social groups or organizations; it organizes educational groups, which are not social groups, which means that no laws of sociology or psychology function in such circles. • It does not spread views or ideologies. Each concept is a device to achieve a goal, and after achieving that goal is put back ‘on the shelf’. • It does not condition people, but rather ‘deconditions’ them, it is for mature, independent and efficient individuals. • The knowledge we study has accompanied men since the beginning of time, it does not change, only its outside forms and modes of expression change, so that they are understandable for modern people. • It is the most sober cognition in existence, it awakes and transforms man to become a fully integrated being, using the full extent of his potential. Join us and find exactly how practical

Mysticism Station Nord

MYSTICISM CYCLE OF STATION NORD STOPPING AT AN OUTSIDE FORM ONLY WILL NOT BE ENOUGH FOR INNER TRANSFORMATION We think there is no such thing as a universal religion, there’s a multiplicity of religions and that is how it will remain. It’s because religion in the social meaning is only the outside form of religion, characteristic for a given place and time. Mysticism as such is not concerned which denomination you are. Changing one faith to another is more like changing from one outfit into another. The eclectic approach in mysticism is considered a breach of discipline.We would recommend sticking to the religious denomination in which you grew up rather than mixing elements of different traditions. But what if you are not satisfied by your religion?The outside form of religion will never satisfy you. It is a social, organizational and political phenomenon, not a religious one.We have nothing against it, we just want to point out that outer religion forms are limited to social funct

Tuesday 21 August 2012

about to attend Prosperity Training

Wealth Mentality - Prosperity Training from Station Nord

SUCCESS AND WEALTH MENTALITY Prosperity Training Cycle Course by Navis Nord and Alice Nord Ph.D. TRAINING DATE AND VENUE: KRAKOW,POLAND 8 & 9 September 2012 “Mind and Mentality are success or failure source, that’s why each of us can be their own worst friend or enemy” TRAINING OBJECTIVES: 1. Shaping attitudes, ways of thinking and experiencing that lead to success. 2. Learning our limitations and barriers separating us from wish fulfillment and learning the ways to eliminate them. 3. Exceeding our own limitations on our way to success. 4. Developing mind state and mental state, which can be called Wealth Mentality. Wealth is not just money, it is Freedom, Multiplicity of Possibilities, it is Mental State and State of Mind that give you an opportunity to totally accomplish everything you wish for. It is giving up “either … or …” for ”both … and …”. PROGRAMME: 1. Motivated for success • Failure motivations • Success motivations • Mistakes in self-motiv